The Ultimate Costa Rica Real Estate Experience

West Side San Jose real estate agent Ivo Henfling

Real Estate Specialist at West-side of San Jose real estate, covering Escazú and Santa Ana, Rohrmoser and Ciudad Colón

About West Side San Jose real estate agent Ivo Henfling

Are you looking for a West Side San Jose real estate agent? Then you have now arrived at the right place.

Are looking to buy a home in Costa Rica or invest in a condo anywhere in the Central Valley? Or maybe looking for a property for sale in Escazu. , you need to call me. I have been selling real estate in Escazu for over 20 years and can show you hundreds of happy buyers of real estate in Escazu and other areas. To me, a deal is not a good deal unless both buyer and seller are happy.

I was born in Holland (so I’m Dutch) and I came to Costa Rica in 1980 looking for new horizons. My wife and I have had many businesses over the years. I have found out firsthand how difficult it is to learn to adapt to a new country. Especially one with a different language and a different culture. Of course in the 80’s almost no one spoke any English and even less Dutch. So I had to learn the language as soon and as best as I could. Over the years, I have had several businesses. Amongst them a window cleaning company, fishing boats, a supply delivery company for beach hotels, and a spice wholesale company.

After living a few years in this beautiful country, real estate deals began coming up. I was asked to take care of properties and assist in selling them by countrymen and friends of all kinds of nationalities, who were transferred or wanted to leave the country. In 1997, I decided to sell and shut down all my companies and started working full time in Escazu properties, and founded GoDutch Realty in the same year. So, I have been a West Side San Jose real estate agent for a long long time. Now, with several offices in the Central Valley, GoDutch realty is one of the largest real estate companies in Costa Rica.

Our Success

Our success is based on watching out for our customers and making sure that all our agents are well trained. So we all can offer you the best service available, seriousness and punctuality that all clients deserve. In 1999 I felt that, since we had no MLS here, there was a definite need for real estate agents to work together, so with two other realtors we founded the American European Real estate Group (AE Costa Rica – Easy Properties), which was one of the very first mini MLS services in Costa Rica where you can find properties offered by over 50 real estate agents in Costa Rica, all well trained and living up to the high standards set by the group. Read Ned’s testimonial in poem form.

I am fluent in English, Spanish, and Dutch. Are looking for a trustworthy real estate agent who is a go-getter and enjoys good people? Are you also a serious buyer and plan on finding the right property? Then call:
Telephone (506) 2289-5125
Cell phone (506) 8834-4515.
I’d love to be your West Side San Jose real estate agent!

Language: English, Spanish, Dutch

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